About us
Representatives of companies and institutions, topic leaders and AI enthusiasts in the open platform Brno.AI find applications for AI, create space for collaboration and help develop Brno’s AI community.
What we do
- We are building an open community that brings together all involved stakeholders in the field of AI applications in #brnoregion.
- We strengthen the region’s reputation in artificial intelligence and its implementation.
- We contribute to making public administration work more efficient by using AI.
- We support the education of young people and increase their interest in learning AI.
- We are spreading awareness of AI to the public and organising topical events.
Who are we here for
Brno.AI is for all those involved in artificial intelligence and those who can benefit from AI.

of any size

and research teams

Public administration
and other organisations

and the public
Why to get involved
- You will be part of a one-of-a-kind AI ecosystem in the Czech Republic.
- You will enable the launch of projects that will drive the region forward.
- You will get to know other local AI experts.
- You will contribute to boosting the interest in AI studies.
- Let others know about your projects.
- You will help raise public awareness of AI.
How to get involved

the AI meetups

Introduce yourself
and your work to others

Present what you
can offer or
demand in the field of AI

Network with other
community members
and develop a joint